The FlexSEM is a tabletop or floor standing electron microscope combining the performance and flexibility of a full size SEM with the simplicity of a tabletop SEM
Hitachi FlexSEM 1000 Variable-Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope
Full-SEM imaging performance:
• Resolution similar to a full size SEM
• Observe morphology (SE), composition (BSE) or both on conductive or insulating samples
• Full control over acceleration voltage, beam current and vacuum level
High-Performance Elemental Analysis:
• Fast and accurate elemental analysis using integrated EDS from leading suppliers
• Show true elemental distribution using live peak deconvolution
• Operate EDS up to 20kV to give access to more peaks
Safe and easy specimen handling:
• Use the navigation camera to locate region of interest
• Easily overlay and correlate your SEM and optical images
• Examine wide areas with image stitching
• Handle large specimens using the 5 axes stage
Go further:
• Automated particle analysis for technical cleanliness, asbestos, inclusions, fibres, etc.
• Image hydrated specimens using a cold stage or Hitachi’s patented ionic liquid
• Add STEM for transmitted electron imaging or CL for geological/pharmaceutical samples.
• Study 3D surface metrology with depth/angle/roughness measurements